Facebook’s f8 is quickly approaching — by all accounts, it’s going to be massive. Ten days ago, I laid out some of what we were hearing would be coming. Now it’s time for one important update — for something not coming: Project Spartan.
Facebook’s HTML5 app project (which will not be called Spartan at launch) is ready to go. But the latest word is that Facebook is worried that the project is so ambitious and the ramifications of it will be so large that there’s some concern that it may overwhelm some of their other big announcements at their event. The fact is that they have so much coming that they don’t need to announce it just yet.
Originally, developers were told to have Spartan projects ready to go by July. But the scope of the project expanded to include not only mobile Safari, but Android and desktop browsers as well. Then the plan was to launch at f8, and Spartans (that is, Project Spartan developers) were going to be a part of the lower-key f8 hack event the following day.
Now it looks like Facebook will have another event a week or two after f8 dedicated to Spartan, we’re told. A separate event will also give more time for key Spartan partners to present. Right now, those include companies like Zynga and others big players, we hear. It will likely be a giant HTML5 love-fest.
But again, don’t worry about f8. All indications are that the amount of stuff coming will be overwhelming. Everyone knows about the music launch, but we’ve been hearing about something else that will be bigger. Stay tuned.
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